Time to Touch Estonia 2014 - Gypsy Folk Ensemble

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Gypsy Folk Ensemble - Time to Touch Estonia 2014

Our previous chapter, The Road to Estonia, chronicled the Gypsy Folk Ensemble's involvement in the Estonian dance tradition from our first performance at the 1999 West Coast Estonian Days to our invitation to appear at the 2009 Estonian Song and Dance Festival in Tallinn. This chapter continues the story through our return to Estonia for the 2014 Song and Dance Festival.
Laguna Folk Dance Festival 2013
After returning from the 2009 Estonian Song and Dance Festival, Gypsy was able to utilize its new Estonian repertoire in a number of other venues. In June 2010, the group performed for the Los Angeles Estonian House which had been instrumental in providing support for Gypsy in its Estonian endeavours. The next month, July 2010, Gypsy brought its Estonian material to an American audience with a presentation for CAFAM's Folk Wedding event.

Gypsy also performed a suite of Estonian dances for the folk dance community at the 2013 Laguna Folk Dance Festival. Further exhibitions of Estonian dance were also made at the Mount San Jacinto College MultiCultural Festival and at Woodbury University in Burbank, California.
Gypsy Folk Ensemble - The Road to Estonia video on YouTube
Gypsy Folk Ensemble - Time to Touch Estonia video on YouTube
A video put together after returning from Estonia which documents the 2009 trip showing both some personal moments and a look at the 2009 Song and Dance Festival
Preparing to be be part of the 2014 Song and Dance Festival in Estonia
In early 2014, Gypsy submitted its application to participate in that year's Dance Festival, including a video of the group performing the dances which were to be included in the festival. The group's application was accepted and Gypsy once more headed off to Tallinn for that year's theme "Time to Touch Estonia."
Back in Estonia




See the previous chapter where Gypsy takes The Road to Estonia

Also visit our Estonia Project website here

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